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may-2024Sistema de clases basado en el enfoque psicolingüístico para la comprensión de textos escritos en inglés en los estudiantes del primer semestre de PINE de la Utmach, período lectivo 2022- D2Sarmiento Chugcho, Kleber Oswaldo; Pindo Pineda, William David; Falcones Pauta, Edinson David
may-2024Exercise system incorporating the blended method to improve english spelling.Chamba Zambrano, Jonh Marcelo; Landeta Tinoco, Ruth Elizabeth
may-2024Didactic strategy of independent work orientation for the development of writing skills.Pinto Sánchez, Yazmin Lisseth; Fárez Guijarro, Melanny Larissa; Carmona Carmona, Bryan Fabricio
may-2024System of activities using flashcards as a didactic resource to improve vocabulary acquisitionChamba Zambrano, Jonh Marcelo; Viñamagua Espinoza, Génesis Arleth; Loyola Pillajo Elsa Lucia
may-2024Extracurricular training strategy for the methodological preparation of trainee teachers in the pine careerEsquivel Rivero, Yenni; Polo Quizhpe, Joe Israel; Maza Macas, Lisseth Estefanía
may-2024Problem-based learning (PBL) as a didactic method for the development of reading comprehension skills in the english languageSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Jumbo Acaro, Dayelin Anahí; Serrano Quezada, Cindy Nicole
jun-2024The use of artificial intelligence to improve grammar in the english language.Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Limones Ríos, Alfredo Renato
may-2024The use of clil methodology to improve the english vocabulary of studentsLuna Lara, Eduardo Marcelo; Merchán Cedillo, Milena Beatriz; Mora Aguilar, Luisa Fabiana
may-2024The use of didactic strategies for improving reading fluency in english in first baccalaureate students of the Carmen Mora de Encalada School in the city PasajeRojas Gonzalez, Livington Javier; Feijoo Chamba, Berenice Lisbeth; Suarez Aguilar, José Hernán
may-2024Estrategia de capacitación para el desarrollo de la competencia metodológica en docentes de inglés en formaciónLuna Lara, Eduardo Marcelo; Zagal Coronel, Adriana Naomi; Chávez Tuarez, Jenniffer Lizbeth