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Buscar por Autor Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia

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dic-2023La formación de la disicplina escolar a través del uso de los comandos imperativos en las clases de inglésSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Guerrero Jadan, Melissa Karoline; Miranda Rico h, Johanna Elizabet
may-2024Problem-based learning (PBL) as a didactic method for the development of reading comprehension skills in the english languageSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Jumbo Acaro, Dayelin Anahí; Serrano Quezada, Cindy Nicole
may-2023The development of english language reading fluency in high school students.Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Albiño Guano, Daniela Lucia; Banchon Jaen, Amy Betsaida
dic-2023The development of english vocabulary through the use of storytellingSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Peñaloza Erreyes, John Alex; Mosquera Aguilar, Leidy Laura
may-2023The development of intonation in the oral expression of the english languageSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Olaya Moran, Cinthia Lili; Mesa Uzhea, Irvin Mauricio
jun-2024The use of artificial intelligence to improve grammar in the english language.Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Limones Ríos, Alfredo Renato
may-2023Use of didactic materials as methods of vocabulary insertion in english language teaching.Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Ajila Villa, Bryan Michael
sep-2024Use of the international phonetic alphabet as a didactic resource in enhancing english pronunciationSantiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Guayas Mosquera, Kenner Enrique; Guamán García, Genesis Jailin