Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 92
Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
| 2016 | Usage of technological resources for the english teaching and learning process to students from atahualpa high school | Bravo Torres, Gabriela Estefanía |
| 2016 | Influence of methodological strategies used by teachers to improve the writing skill in the teaching learning process. | Dávila Guzmán, Diego Antonio |
| 2016 | Impact of didactics resources in performing the reading skill in students of Nueve de Octubre High School in Machala. | Carreño Godoy, Kira Katiuska |
| 2016 | Factors that make students not to master classroom language phrases when they are used by their teacher. | Campuzano Cordero, Lourdes Viviana |
| 2016 | How to manage strategies for teaching english to beginner learners in the classroom as a foreign language. | Calva Ojeda, Dionicio Stalin |
| 2016 | Strategies applied by teachers to teach the english grammar to students of the first bgu jose corsino cardenas high school. | Cajas Quezada, Joyce Esther |
| 2016 | Methods used by teachers to improve the teaching of pronunciation in the english language in the students. | Cacay Ramírez, Jenniffer Mariana |
| 10-mar-2016 | Estrategias para el aprendizaje de conocimientos básicos de idioma de inglés en los estudiantes de los octavos años de educación básica. | Moncada Robles, Eyla Tanny |
| 25-nov-2015 | Estrategias metodológicas de enseñanza para niños y niñas de 6 a 8 años de edad con dificultades en el aprendizaje. | Jaén Valdéz, Lucía Fernanda |
| 20-nov-2015 | The potential factors that are affecting both phonetics recognition and phonological domain of voiced consonant phonemes. | Chimbo Ríos, Ruth Aracely |
| 20-nov-2015 | Action games used by teachers to encourage students to improve the english languague acquisition in the teaching learning process. | Valverde Escobar, Leonardo Javier |
| 20-nov-2015 | Incidence of poor writing ability d teachers causes a low level of understanding of the English language. | Sagbay Ordoñez, Ginger Virginia |
| 21-nov-2015 | Strategies that teacher should apply in order to students get a better knowledge about the use of simple present tense. | Correa Navarrete, Gerardo Mauricio |
| 23-nov-2015 | Factors that cause interlingual errors in students of english as a foreing language during the learning procces. | Parra Córdova, Joseph Isaac |
| 23-nov-2015 | Influence of the methodological strategies applied by teachers in the teaching/learning process of english language to develop the writing skill. | Peña Floril, Hernán Rodrigo |
| 23-nov-2015 | Factores que están incidiendo en el no dominio de estrategias metodológicas por parte de los profesores de primero de bachillerato. | Cobeña Ulloa, Gilmer Patricio |
| 23-nov-2015 | Impact of strategies used by teachers in teaching english language of 8th, 9th and 10th une high school's students. | Coraisaca Pintado, Oswaldo Antonio |
| 20-nov-2015 | Application of teaching strategies for the correct pronunciation of the verb endings D/ED and the plural nouns (S/ES/IES). | Camacho Maldonado, Estefanía del Carmen |
| 25-nov-2015 | Estrategia didáctica para enseñar el presente perfecto en la forma afirmativa e interrogativa en estudiantes del primero año de bachillerato. | Sarango Ramos, Karina Elizabeth |
| 25-nov-2015 | Classroom management strategies to achieve a correct management in a classroom with an english language environment. | Quinde Tomalá, Silvia Patricia |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 92