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Examen Complexivo Ciencias de la Educación Mención Inglés : [92] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 92
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2016Strategies to discover the meaning of unknown words in the english texts of students of the arenillas high schoolSuin Romero, Diana Carolina
2016Strategies to develop classroom management in the learning teaching process, in the first year of basic educationSantillán Duchi, Roxanna Estefanía
2016Some interesting and practical tasks using translation and interpreting to develop the productive skillsSánchez Buri, Karla Tatiana
2016Conventional resources, ict or audiovisuals that can be used by the english teacher to improve learners’ grammar and vocabularyRomero Macas, Glenda Anabel
2016Using of didactic materials and resources to develop listening skill eighth grade C Vicente Rocafuerte High School 2016 2017Ríos Tenesaca, Freddy Jonathan
2016Methods that are used by teachers to improve writing in the students of tenth year 9 de Octubre Highs SchoolRamírez Gómez, Shirley Leonela
2016Factors that hinder students of une high school recognize and produce some classroom language expressions to communicate inside the classPardo Capa, Gladis Rocío
2016Teaching materials used in the development of productive skills of the language in the english studentsOrdoñez Barberán, Julio César
2016Influence of methodological strategies and didactic resources used by teachers to teach speaking in 8th year ismael perez high schoolOntaneda Maldonado, Nely Elena
2016Correct use of linking verbs in statements to students in 10th basic education atahualpa high school 2016 2017 academic yearOntaneda Collaguazo, Gladys Irene
2016Methodological strategies to develop the listening in the 8th grade a of Ismael Pérez Pazmiño High School period 2016 2017Mora Verduga, Joselyn Lizbeth
2016The use of audiovisual aids to motivate students of 9 de octubre high school to speak in englishMorales Ruilova, Jaime Roberto
2016The influence of technological teaching materials in the learning process of english language in students of second year of bachilleratoMontesdeoca Delgado, Eizer Fabián
2016Learning strategies to teach vocabulary before starting a class topic aimed to the high school studentsMerchán Medina, Valeria Pamela
2016Difficulties that students show when they are taught english with british pronunciation in 6th grade-students from marcel laniado school.Loaiza Angulo, Jean Carlos
2016The use of warm ups to motivate students of dr jose corsino cardenas high school in pasaje 2015 – 2016Loaiza Aguirre, Mariela Beatriz
2016Application of strategies such as monitoring and teachers movement to improve the classroom management when performing an english lesson.Jara Pinto, María Esther
2016Coteaching strategy as a support to improve classroom management and student performance in Kleber Franco Cruz High SchoolHeredia Arichábala, Mirian Rocío
2016Motivation as a strategy to develop the listening skills outside the classroom in eighth grade students.Espinoza Espinoza, Irene Rocío
2016Knowledge of the international phonetic alphabet and its influence for a suitable pronunciation of consonantsBurgos Segura Diana Olinda
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 92