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Título : Emprendimiento en tiempo de crisis: una evaluación al impacto del Covid-19 en las pymes de la provincia de El Oro–Ecuador.
Autor : Palas Villagomez, Maria Fernanda
Director(es): Salcedo Muñoz, Virgilio Eduardo
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Descripción : La investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto que las medidas de confinamiento producto del COVID-19 han tenido en las pymes de El Oro, Ecuador. Estas son, en su mayoría, pequeñas y medianas empresas dado el poco patrimonio y flujo de efectivo que poseen, en su gran mayoría son empresas familiares que surgen ante las pocas fuentes de empleo, caracterizadas por su alta dependencia a la industria del turismo y el camarón. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se aplicó la encuesta virtual al 10% de las pymes de Machala. Como resultados, se detectó el cese de las operaciones de algunas pymes por la incapacidad de cumplir compromisos como el pago de nómina y las deudas con acreedores.
Resumen : COVID 19 represents an unprecedented event in the history of humanity, given the high rate of transmission and mortality, which is why countries have implemented measures such as mandatory confinement worldwide to prevent contagion. However, these measures have had an impact on the various sectors, including the economy, however, the most vulnerable sectors are small and medium-sized companies given the little equity and cash flow they have, the vast majority are family companies that arise before the few sources of employment. This reality is not alien to Ecuador, a country in which SMEs represent 95% of the fabric of the national economy, especially provinces such as Gold, characterized by its high dependence on the tourism and shrimp industry, despite the closure of borders , ports, airports limited the development of these economic activities. Faced with this scenario, the research aims to evaluate the impact of COVID on gold SMEs, it constitutes a quantitative research in which the virtual survey was applied to 10% of SMEs in Machala. As a result, the main aspect that has limited the pandemic is the financial one that has led to the cessation of operations of some SMEs due to the inability to meet commitments such as payroll and debts with creditors, which requires the support of programs generated by the state.
URI : http://repositorio.utmachala.edu.ec/handle/48000/17894
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Académicos Economía Mención en Gestión Empresarial

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