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Título : El retrato y la representación contemporánea
Autor : Mendoza Montesdeoca, Holmer Vicente
Director(es): Peñaherrera Pereira, Erwin Fernando
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala
Citación : Mendoza Montesdeoca, H. V. (2017). El retrato y la representación contemporánea. (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales, Machala, Ecuador.
Descripción : Portrait is defined to the graphical representation that describes the features typical of an individual, nevertheless in the contemporaneousness the extension of this concept includes towards other representations and that has to see with the symbolic thing, that is to say, that his representation is not a faithful reflection of his appearance but the image catches the essence of the being. In a beginning the boosters of the vanguardismo noticed that the painting across the mimesis had overcome any reality it targets already be across the behavior of the light or the desconstrucción of the form; the first thing is sustained in the changes that the light produces when an object is illuminated in the different phases of the day discussing even that the white is not pure, but this one was acquiring shades so much so trastocaba his purity; and the second thing, the academicismo is opposed as the only norm of representation implanted by the institution. With this precedent they propose for those who devote themselves to the portrait to think that the representation of a personage across the visual arts not always is going to be the exact copy of what one sees, more even bearing in mind that the invention of the camera it had overcome; not only it, in the current moments there exist thousands of devices that are easy to manipulate managing with it to catch or a portrait or self-portrait to be caught (selfie). With this preamble it is well-known that the art across the artists takes short-cuts very sustained in the philosophy of the art as as Danto supports across his text " The death of the art "; the author holds that they are many centuries in which the mimesis (image - illustration) had dominated the world of the art, the first thing was the symbolic thing across the Egyptian art, then the image of the religious thing and the sacred thing that was invading the mind of the christianity, finally the romanticism that I was stimulating as creative genius of the things between them the landscape.
Resumen : Se define retrato a la representación gráfica que describe los rasgos característicos de un individuo, sin embargo en la contemporaneidad la ampliación de este concepto abarca hacia otras representaciones y que tiene que ver con lo simbólico, es decir, que su representación no es un fiel reflejo de su apariencia sino que la imagen capta la esencia del ser. En un principio los impulsadores del vanguardismo notaron que la pintura a través de la mimesis había superado toda realidad objetiva ya sea a través del comportamiento de la luz o la desconstrucción de la forma; lo primero se sustenta en los cambios que produce la luz cuando un objeto es iluminado en las diferentes fases del día discutiendo incluso que el blanco no es puro, sino que este adquiría matices tanto así que trastocaba su pureza; y lo segundo, se contrapone al academicismo como norma única de representación implantada por la institución. Con este antecedente se proponen para quienes se dedican al retrato a considerar que la representación de un personaje a través de las artes visuales no siempre va a ser la copia exacta de lo que se ve, más aun tomando en cuenta que la invención de la cámara fotográfica lo había superado; no solo eso, en los actuales momentos existen miles de dispositivos que son fáciles de manipular logrando con ello captar o captarse un retrato o autorretrato.
URI : http://repositorio.utmachala.edu.ec/handle/48000/10559
Aparece en las colecciones: Trabajo de Titulación Artes Plásticas

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