Buscar por Materia CLASS SYSTEM
Mostrando resultados 1 a 4 de 4
Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
| sep-2024 | Class system using the cooperative learning technique to improve speaking skill | Pinto Sánchez, Yazmin Lisseth; Alejandro Ochoa, Millie Nathalia |
| may-2023 | English vocabulary development in basic education students. | Rojas González, Livington Javier; Campoverde Agurto, Andreina Anuska; Mejia Diaz, Milena Michelle |
| sep-2024 | Implementation of audiovisual resources through a system of classes for the development of pronunciation. | Santiesteban, Leyva Kenia; Chamba Encalada, Thalia Del Cisne; Enríquez Pacheco, Britney Pauleth |
| sep-2024 | Use of the international phonetic alphabet as a didactic resource in enhancing english pronunciation | Santiesteban Leyva, Kenia; Guayas Mosquera, Kenner Enrique; Guamán García, Genesis Jailin |