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Examen Complexivo Ciencias de la Educación Mención Inglés : [92] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 92
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2019Phonetics and phonology.Sarmiento Chugcho, Kleber Oswaldo; Apolo Cajamarca, Yhira Johanna
2019Strategies to get students to recognize and use past tense in their affirmative and interrogative forms.Zaldua Moran, Eddy Marshel; Delgado Loaiza, Cristina Lisbeth
2018Methodological strategies to enhance the reading skills in bgu students profesor Ángel Baldomero Nagua ChoolZaldua Moran, Eddy Marshel; Alcivar Galarza, Johanna Jazmín
2018Deficiencies in the recognition and use of transitive and intransitive verbs in english to write simple, compound and complex sentencesChamba Zambrano, Jonh Marcelo; López Carrillo, Elicia Moraima
2017Factors that incide in the non recognition and management of vowels phonemes according to ipa.Álvarez Reyes, Mariuxi del Carmen
2017Teaching strategies for recognizing, using and mastering irregular verbs in affirmative and interrogative form in the students of first baccalaureate.Egas Fajardo, Amanda Milena
2017Strategies to improve students communicative competences in the first bachalleaurate in Nueve de Octubre high school 2016 2017.Carriel Armijos, Daniel Francisco
2016Teaching and learning methods used in classroom to develop the four skills the english language.Valarezo Tenesaca, Eder Xavier
2016Application of ict to improve the teaching learning english process for 3th level students of Nueve de Octubre high school.Moncada Robles, Ingrid Yiseth
2016Teachers should consider the different learning styles of their high school students when planning their lessons.Iñaguazo Jordán, Edgar Efraín
2016Interactive teaching materials to develop the writing skill in students with a motivational environment in class.Bustamante Balcázar, Joselyne Eloísa
2016Motivational strategies applied by school Teachers Jambelí to improve speaking students in the third year of high school.Avilés Ochoa, Roberto Isaac
2016Techniques application to develop speaking skills in the teaching-learning process of english as a foreign language.Reyes Sánchez, Joselyn Pamela
2016Grammar teaching techniques teachers should use in the 9 de octubre high school to make students’ writing skill improveQuiñonez Gutiérrez, Karen Carolina
2016Teachers applying minimal pairs and its importance for using and recognition of the phonemes which represent ch, sh, kGuillén Guillén, Winston Edmundo
2016Methodological strategies used by teachers to increase and improve vocabulary in the first year of baccalaureatePulla Valarezo, Katherin Lisseth
2016Effects of the non differentiation between transitive and intransitives in spoken form of the english languagePineda Encarnación, William Oswaldo
2016Methodological strategies applied by teachers to develop the interest and learning of students in the english classTorres Castillo, Andrea Mabel
2016Confusion among the passive voice and the causative form in the 8th grade students of romeo murillo high schoolTobar Patiño, Carlos André
2016Factors influencing in the low level of english active vocabulary in the students of the tenth year of basic educationTandazo Jaramillo, Alejandra Scarlett
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 92